The Benefits of Eating White Fish

White fish such as haddock and monkfish are packed with nutritional benefits and could be a great addition to your diet. Not only is white fish a meal staple that pairs well with a variety of flavours and accompaniments, but it also contains a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids. Here are just a few advantages to incorporating white fish into your mealtimes!

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

White fish are a great way to get B vitamins into your system so your body can reap the rewards. Along with benefitting skin health and your immune system, B vitamins increase your metabolism and aid your body to digest food and lose weight.

Like many foods originating from the sea, white fish are a great source of iodine, consumption of which can positively affect your energy levels. This variety of fish is also rich in selenium minerals, which are important supports to your immune system and the healthy functioning of thyroids. Selenium works together with the B vitamins contained in white fish to benefit your cells.

High Protein, Low Fat

White fish is a great addition to your diet if you want to build muscle. This type of fish is rich in protein, encouraging cell growth and allowing your body to heal up after intense activity.

White fish are also typically leaner than other breeds. Varieties such as sea basscod and sole have very low fat content and this is why many substitute White Fish for other types of meat in meals. White Fish can aid a low-fat diet aimed at preventing health risks such as diabetes and heart disease, whilst retaining your protein intake.

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Nutrition & Obesity Unit of Hospital Ramón y Cajal in Madrid also attributes frequent consumption of white fish to improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol levels and weight.

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